Wednesday, October 1, 2008


You have got to check out my great shopping trip on my other blog!!


Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

Ok Naomi . . .I need to know where to start on the whole couponing thing. I will draw the line at dumpster diving though. Hahaha

Naomi said...

Shani wants to have a class when will work for you!! I am really out of control this week!!

Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

What works for you? Rob works most afternoons now that the play is going on so I don't know if it would be easier without kids, or not. Let me know. I would love to see your house too.

Naomi said...

The next two weeks are crazy so maybe the week after that!

Rob & Michelle Eberly Family said...

Sounds good. Call me.

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