I don't know about you but Halloween has been happening for about two weeks now!! And Halloween is not until tommorow! We have had a busy couple of weeks but it has been tons of fun. Aleena started out with one costume but so far she has been a penquin (waddle waddle), a bee, a princess and a utah cheer leader. I am really want her to be the penquin because it is the warmest one and I don't have any snap shot of her in it yet. We have been to party after party. At least one a day. I think that Aleena is going to think candy is one of the meals that comes every day. A couple of day's ago we met Logan and Ellie at the farm and went crazy with the camera so here are a few pictures.
Our day tommorow is also crazy we have a party with the mom's club that I am in, toys-r-us has trick-or-treating and so does the mall. We may meet some friends at chuck-e-cheeses for a party, we have a trunk-or-treat that starts at 6, and we have to go to a few of the neighbors. I really hope that grandma is coming here if not we are making a run to trick-or-treat at the university. It is crazy but it will be a ton of fun. I don't think that Aleena will be getting a nap for the second day in a row. That is our day in a nut shell. I hope that everyone has a Happy Halloween and be safe!!!!
Snapshot of our day off school.
10 years ago
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