Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kmarts doubles and I am not done!!!!

Ok so everyone knows that I have OC with coupons. I almost gave up with a bad experiance but I am so glad that I didn't. This week (until saturday) kmart will double coupons up to $2.00. So if you have $2.00 off coupon it will be $4.00 off. Making tons of items free. So I have been to kmart 4 times and this is what I got.

3 Johnson & Johnson soap
24 nail art
7 dog treats
12 tylenol
1 st josephs asprin
3 purell
10 kotex
2 huggies wipes
11 bc cookie mixes
3 chocholate chips
4 nail polish
3 gillette body wash
16 boxes of kelloges
1 vaseline lotion
2 clean and clear wash
6 vicks hand sanitizer
4 Arm & hammer detergent
1 pledge duster
2 juicey juice
4 tuna

m&ms for Aleena 1.06
lifesaver book for Christmas 2.69
Lighter for bows 1.99

My total bill for all transactions was $28.98 minus the stuff I got without coupon for Aleena and Christmas stuff my total was $23.24

My total savings was 296.35 (and I am not done shoping I need to organize tonight)

I also went to target today and got
31 set of two rayovac batteries
1 johnson and johnson soap
6 ouchless hair things
1 coloring thing for aleena
Total bill $ 3.36
Total savings $43.00

Here is the coupon for the batteries (making them free)
Here is the coupon for the hair things (making them .19 at target and walmart)


Alison Daugs said...

SCORE!!!!! I am going today. We'll see what I can do for my first go at it. Thanks for the tips and sending me on my way. I feel like a child learning how to walk.

Naomi said...

Baby steps!! You have to start now so you can me good when walgreens is done!! Call me and let me know how you did!!

Alison Daugs said...

I went today- not so great! I went in hand with lots of coupons. All the Betty crocker stuff was all sold out. I asked if there were more in back- nope. I did get three boxes of cereal for $.50 each. I ended up getting Addison a coat there for Christmas too! I need to search for more MF Coupons and try again.

Let me know what to do at Albertsons etc. when something great is going on.

Naomi said...

The best way is to get the paper. You should see if the paper has any specials for couponers. I just sent a email to you or ammon I am not sure for free $10 resturant gc

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