Sunday, November 30, 2008


Ok so here is the deal!! I just looked at the kmart ad online for the utah area and it is true we are having a double coupon week. Do you know what this means? FREE FREE FREE products. I am going to be OC this week I am planing on going until my coupons are gone. I may even go dumpster diving this week. Here are some of the rules. 1. You can only buy 4 of the same product and use 4 coupons (4 colgate, 4 aquafresh, 4 crest etc.) That makes it so other people can also get some. 2. You can only have 75 coupons in one transaction. 3. you can one make overage 4. they will only douple coupons up to $2.00.

Happy couponing here is a link to some of the products that you can get for free after the coupons. so the more paper that you get or have the better!!


Alison Daugs said...

Man- I wish you found out about the deals while you were here and then you could've shown me the ropes. Have fun dumpster diving, you dirty girl you! Love ya!

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