Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween Photo's!!

Happy Halloween to all!
We have been very busy but having fun. I love the fall there is so much to do. Aleena turned 3 on October 4th. We had her birthday party at Lagoon with 12 of her friends and the whole Gundersen side of the family. It was tons of fun. We did find out that Uncle T (Nate's brother) Screams like a girl and is more scared on rides than Aleena would be. Aleena favorite rides are the two haunted houses, she is kind of a odd child. Fright mares was is going on and now they have real haunted houses, the ones for big kids and adults and stuff. Aleena said she wanted to go. I tried to talk her out of it. The line was 40 minutes long and I didn't want her to have nightmares. But she won! I kept saying his is really scary are you sure you want to go. She would answer yes with an attitude every time. She loved it. All of the scary clowns, everyone jumping out at you, and even the chain saw guy. As soon as we got out she said "Can we go again, please" So I guess I now have someone to go to haunted houses with. Nate never likes to go. Maybe she likes them because the week that she was due Shaleena and I went to three of them. Who knows?

We also had a lot of fun at the yearly "Leaf Crunch" with the Gundersen family. It was very cold and we had to bundle up Bailee a ton. But he hobo stew, rolls and donuts are always worth the cold.

As for our little Bailee she is growing so much. She gets bigger and bigger each day. She now smiles all the time. Oh when she is not pooping! She loves looking in mirrors and loves her swing. I can't believe that she is almost two months old. time goes by so fast!!

This month we have many pumpkin patches, Halloween parties, and free activities to go to. The girls and I are also heading to Logan for the weekend for fun with the Daugs family. A little bit of coupon teaching, the park, games, making apple juice and more. Nate is heading to Vegas with friend to go to the Utah game. We will have to look for him on the TV.

As for these very cute pictures!! I went in to get a FREE 8x10 and walked out buying the hole package. This was so not like me! Now I am going to have the cutest Halloween pictures up all year long.

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Alison Daugs said...

Those are so adorable. How could they not be. Love those girls. I wish I could have held Bailee more. I hope they don't get sick. It was good to see you. You are always Addisons favorite, He wishes he could have been with you more. See you soon.

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